Configuring General Settings

The General Settings menu is where you can edit basic details such as your Site Name, Address, and Time Zone.

This is also where you can edit the System Assistant Contact and Catch-All Host, which are important roles for every site. 


How to Adjust the Site Name, Address and Time Zone

1. Launch FacilityOS. Site Details are now managed in FacilityOS. To find your lsit of sites in FacilityOS, click here or navigate to FacilityOS --> Click the Settings Icon --> Select Sites.

2. Once you are on the FacilityOS Sites page, select the site you are looking to manage.

3.You will be able to update the site's Name, Address and Time Zone here.

  • The "Site Name" is used in notifications sent to hosts.
  • The "Street Address" will be used in invitations sent to guests, so make sure that it is accurate and includes a full address, including ZIP/Postal Code.

4. Click Save when you are finished making changes.




How to Set the System Assistant Contact and Catch-All Host

For VisitorOS, the System Assistant Contact and Catch-All Host can be managed in the Site Configurations menu under General Settings. To adjust these details:

1. Launch VisitorOS, then Click the Settings Icon --> Select Sites.

2. Once you are on the VisitorOS Sites page, select the site you are looking to manage.

3. You can assign or change a System Assistant Contact or Catch-All Host here.

  • The System Assistant Contact is someone who should receive notifications if a visitor is experiencing difficulties during sign-in. 
  • The Catch-All Hosts will receive notifications for all visitor sign-ins. 

Please note: System assistant and Catch-All Hosts contacts must be in the Address Book before they can be assigned these roles. 


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