Printer Components
Badges not printed at visitor sign in
Note the following assumptions before proceeding with outlined troubleshooting steps.
- Ensure Bluetooth is the connection method selected to connect the kiosk iPad to Brother QL-820NWB printer
- Ensure the iLobby application running on the iPad is the current version available
- Ensure the badge rolls used in the printer are compatible rolls provided by iLobby
Ensure you have access to the iLobby portal for site configuration.
Reboot the iPad
- On the iPad device press the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time and hold for 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears.
- Release the buttons when the Apple logo appears ignoring the red slider.
Note: If your iPad device does not have a Home Button follow the instructions below:
- Press the Power button and either the volume up or volume down button, hold down until a slider appears.
- Use the slider to power off the device
- Once the device has turned off, press and hold the Power button at the top of the device until the Apple logo appears to restart.
Verify badge printing is enabled for desired visitor type
- Log in to VisitorOS:
- Select Settings
, then Sites. Click into your site.
- From the sites menu, select Features > Badge Printing
- Ensure that Badge Printing is toggled ON, as shown below:
5. Under Badge Printing, click to launch the configuration menu. Ensure that badge printing is not excluding the visitor type you are troubleshooting. For clarity, in order to have badges print, the "Applicable to All Visitor Types, Except the Following" field should NOT be clicked on.
Verify returning visitors need to have their badges reprinted
By default, visitors returning within 24 hours will not trigger a new badge to be printed. You can customize this using the instructions below:
- Log in to VisitorOS:
- Select Settings
, then Sites. Click into your site.
- From the sites menu, select Features > Returning Visitors.
Find the Badge Validity Period setting, and make any adjustments. Badges will only need to be re-printed after this period expires.
Note: Setting this to 0 Days will ensure a badge is printed on each sign in.
Selectto Save changes once complete.
Verify Bluetooth connection is enabled between the iPad and printer
- Log in to VisitorOS:
- Select
Manage > Devices
Note: If Devices is not visible when viewing your Main Menu this is likely due to limited permissions. Please contact your account admin for further assistance.
Select the iPad that is connected to the printer you are working with.
On the device Settings page, ensure Bluetooth is selected under Connection Method
Note: Complete next steps on the printer device.
Press the
buttons to select the [Bluetooth] menu, and then press [OK].
Select [Bluetooth (On/Off)] using the
button, and then press [OK].
Select [On] using the
button, and then press [OK].
- Use the [▲] and [▼] buttons to select Bluetooth > Automatic Reconnection > On in the settings menu. Press [OK].
to go back to the main screen.
Note: Complete next steps on the iPad kiosk device
On the iPad, exit the iLobby application.
Note: You can exit the iLobby app by pressing the Home Button (located on the front-facing screen where the charger is connected.
If your iPad does not have a Home Button, perform a swipe-up gesture starting in the bottom center of the screen, moving up towards the center of the screen. -
On the home screen select the
to access the settings menu
Verify the Printer is connected via Bluetooth.
Note: It should say “connected”. If not, tap the Label Printer in the Devices list to connect.
Restart the iLobby app by double-clicking the Home (round) button on the iPad and swiping up on the iLobby app to close it. Launch it again and re-try printing.
Reconnect the Printer with the iPad.
On the iPad, exit the iLobby application.
Note: You can exit the iLobby app by pressing the Home Button (located on the front-facing screen where the charger is connected.
If your iPad does not have a Home Button, perform a swipe-up gesture starting on the bottom center of the screen, moving up towards the center of the screen. -
On the home screen select the
to access the settings menu
- Select Bluetooth
- Take note of the last 4 digits of the device ‘QL-820NWB’ under My Devices
Select the blue info icon
at the end of the device name
- Select
and then Forget Device to confirm.
In the iPad Settings, turn Bluetooth function [OFF]
and then turn it back [ON]
After a few seconds, you should see the device ‘QL-820NWB’ appear under ‘Devices’. Make sure to connect to the device with the matching 4 digits at the end
Note:You may receive an automatic pairing request. Please confirm the PIN on the Printer before pressing ‘Pair’ on the iPad screen
Badges are printing too small
iPad and badge printer are using Bluetooth connectivity.
Factory Reset Printer
On the printer:
- Press the Menu button on the printer
- Using the [▲] and [▼] buttons, go to Administration. Press OK
- Go to Reset -> Factory Reset -> Reset
- Set up the date and time once the reset is completed
- Press the Menu button and go to
- Template Settings -> Template Mode - > Off
- Bluetooth -> Bluetooth (On/Off) -> On
- Bluetooth -> Automatic Reconnection -> On
Use the
button to get back on the main date and time screen
Note: Complete next steps on the iPad kiosk device
On the iPad, exit the iLobby application.
Note: You can exit the iLobby app by pressing the Home Button (located on the front-facing screen where the charger is connected.
If your iPad does not have a Home Button, perform a swipe-up gesture starting on the bottom center of the screen, moving up towards the center of the screen. -
On the home screen select the
to access the settings menu
- Connect the iPad to the device ‘QL-820NWB’
- Restart the iLobby app by double-clicking the Home (round) button on the iPad and swiping up on the iLobby app to close it. Launch it again and re–try printing.
Badges are not being printed after selecting ‘Re-print badge’ from the VisitorOS Dashboard.
- New visitor badges are being printed.
The iPad and Brother QL-820NWB devices are connected successfully via Bluetooth.
On the Brother QL-820NWB device, press and hold the Power Button
until the light turns red
Unplug the power cord from the back of the device
Note: Complete next steps on the iPad kiosk device -
On the iPad, exit the iLobby app, press the Settings App
. In the General tab, press ‘Shut Down’, and then slide to power off
By this time, the printer has fully turned off. You can plug the power cord back in and press the Power Button
to turn it on
- Turn on the iPad by pressing the Power Button (usually located on the top left back corner of the iPad).
- Release the Power Button when you see the Apple logo appear
Open the iLobby app and test the re-print function from the Portal
Printed badges are missing some information, such as the company's logo or the visitor’s photo.
- You have the required permissions on the iLobby Portal to edit/configure your site(s). **If not, please reach out your account admin for assistance**
Complete these steps in VisitorOS portal
- Log in to VisitorOS:
- Select Settings
, then Sites. Click into your site.
From the sites menu, select Features > Badge Printing.
- Select the Features tab and select Configure under Badge Printing
In the interface, click on the badge template to open a selection of 6 template styles
Note: To view these styles, you will need to select Change and from there you will be able to view the following options
- After selecting a template, select Save in the opened interface and Save again when the interface closes to finalize all changes.