Address Book

This guide outlines the steps required to resolve the iLobby Address Book-related issues. 

Issue 1: Host from the Address Book cannot be found on the “Who are you visiting?” screen.  

Inserting image... Resolution time:  
Maximum 15 minutes. 
You have access to the iLobby portal and can manage the Address Book.


Step 1: Ensure that there is a host record with the name like this in the Address Book. 

Step 2: Ensure that the Host profile is set to Active and is attached to the correct site in the Address Book in case you have a multi-location environment.  

Step 3: Ensure that the visitor is typing in the Host’s name correctly on the iPad.  Sometimes, a visitor can type the Host’s name incorrectly. For example, if there is a shortened version of their name. 

If the Host has grave accents in their name, it may be more difficult for the visitor to locate them on the iPad. If this is the case, try removing the grave accents from the Host profile.   

Step 4: Check the device’s connectivity. Perform the following on the iPad:  

On the main Welcome screen of iLobby, there is a green, yellow, or red dot. If the dot is green, skip to step 6.  

If the dot is yellow or red, it can indicate that there is a connectivity issue with the network. Ensure that the iPad is connected to a stable Wi-Fi network in the Settings App Inserting image...

Step 5: Perform a reboot of the iPad by doing the following: 

Hold down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - then let go of the buttons.  


Inserting image... If you have an iPad Pro you need to do the following: 
- Press and hold down on the top button and either the volume up or volume down button
until a slider appears.
- Slide a finger along the slider to turn off the iPad.
- Once it's turned off, press and hold on the top button again until the Apple logo appears.


Inserting image... If the iLobby app is still showing as offline, please contact and request 
that your iLobby application is re-installed on the device 


Step 6: If the steps above did not resolve the issue, please contact iLobby tech support at Let them know the example of the host name which has issues. 

Issue 2: The host is not receiving emails when a visitor selects their name on the iPad.  

Inserting image... Resolution time varies. 


Step 1: Ensure that there is a host record with a name like this in the Address Book. 

Step 2: Ensure that the Host’s email address is correct.  

Sometimes, there may be a typo in the email address, or additional characters added such as grave accents.   

Step 3: Make sure that email is enabled as a notifications method for the host record.  

Step 4: If multiple hosts are not receiving not only email, but all kinds of notifications, check the connectivity of the device. See step 5 for issue 1 above.  

Step 5: Check if the email notifications ended up in the spam/junk folder.  

Step 6: Whitelist iLobby traffic on the network. Please contact support at to receive a list of ports and domains to whitelist on your network.


Inserting image...  If the steps above did not help to resolve the issue, please reach out to 
Provide them with the example of a host who has an issue, their email address, date,
and time when the issue occurred for the last time.


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