Start here by watching this YouTube video on how to run an evacuation with building sweeps using the Companion App!
Running an evacuation using the iLobby Building Sweeps tool is an easy way to digitize your existing building sweep process. Building Sweeps allows Safety Officers to ensure all employees and visitors have exited the building safely while using a familiar and efficient process.
Before running your first Building sweep evacuation this feature must be enabled via the iLobby portal, see Building Sweeps: Establishing Building Zones for a detailed step by step walkthrough of this process. Once the Building Sweeps feature has been enabled you are all set to run your first evacuation. Note: Building Sweep evacuations can only be run via the iLobby companion mobile application.
Building Sweep Evacuation using the iLobby Mobile App
- To initiate an evacuation from the mobile app begin by opening the iLobby application and selecting the
then select Start Evacuation. Select the applicable Site, Mustering Point and Nature of Emergency, enter any custom Messages and click
2. Once an evacuation has begun you will be directed to the Zones screen. The Zones screen is your home screen when an evacuation is in progress comprising data on the status of your evacuation.
- When an evacuation is first started all zones to be checked will be listed and the total number of zones captured in the All box. As zones are checked and statuses updated a tally will be kept in the Assistance, In Progress and Completed Boxes.
- Tapping on a zone will bring up the Status Update selector for that zone. By default, the selector will be on In Progress. If a sweep of this zone has been completed and all is clear the Sweep Completed option can be selected. If an individual requires assistance to exit the building in this zone select Request Assistance and add any necessary notes detailing the situation. After a status has been picked select Update Status.
- If a status of Request Assistance was selected for any zone the notes entered will be visible under the Log. The Log is accessible to all safety officers and admins ensuring real time transparency as well as ensuring aid is provided where it's needed most in a timely fashion.
- As statuses are updated zones where assistance is required will display a
. Zones that are all clear will display a
- To quickly mark a zone safe swipe all the way to the left to auto mark it Safe.
- When zones have been marked Needs Assistance a red dot will appear on the bell icon. Select the
to view a Log of all zones requiring assistance and attached notes.
3. Once all zones have been swept select the to return to the main menu. Select the option to Finish Evacuation.
4. In addition to the main menu an evacuation can also be ended from the Dashboard. During an evacuation the Dashboard will display a real time status summary as zones are being swept. Once all zones have been swept and marked clear select Finish Evacuation.
Once all the zones on the list have been swept with the status Sweep Completed, the application will prompt and offer the user to complete the evacuation.
That's it! Building Sweeps is a quick and easy way to ensure all visitors and employees are evacuated safely in an emergency situation. If you have any questions, please reach out to our team at, we're here to help!