Configuring the Returning Visitor Feature Using the New VisitorOS Portal

The Returning Visitor feature allows you to save information about frequent visitors, and allows them to quickly sign in multiple times. 

To access The Returning Visitors configuration, login to VisitorOS, then hit the Settings  icon and select Sites. Each site will have its own configuration for returning visitors. 

You will see the Returning Visitors settings menu available on the Features Tab, as shown below:


Returning Visitors Settings Explained

Badge Validity Period sets the time that returning visitors can use the same physical badge, before a new one must be printed.

Personal Info Validity Period sets the time period when a returning visitor's personal information is valid - after this time period expires, the visitor will be required to re-enter their personal info during their next visit.

Photo Validity Period sets the time period when a returning visitor's photo is valid - after this time period expires, the visitor will be required to take a new photo during their next visit.

Scanned ID Validity Period sets the time period when a returning visitor's scanned ID is valid, for clients who use ID scanning. After this time period expires, the visitor will be required to scan their ID card again on their next visit.

Use "Remember Last Visited Host" to automatically assign a returning visitor to the host they were assigned to on their last visit. 

 Use "Remember Last Visitor Type" to automatically log a returning visitor under the same visitor type they used on their last visit. 



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