This article describes the network ports and hosts used for connections with iLobby cloud platform, the MDM server, and iLobby devices. These ports and hosts are required for the system to function correctly.
iLobby Infrastructure
For communication between iOS, Android, and Windows apps with iLobby cloud system, iLobby devices that are located within your environment must be able to reach *.goilobby.com over outbound TCP 443 port.
Please ensure that iLobby devices are able to reach over outbound TCP 5223/443 ports for a proper work of the device management and notifications services.
- For proper functionality of iLobby features such as Touchless Sign-In and Evacuation Mode, please make sure the device is able to reach *.pubnub.com, *.pndsn.com, *.pubnub.net and *.pubnub.io over outbound TCP 443/80 ports.
Reference for Apple Products
The following references provide detailed information on the network requirements for Apple products:
Use Apple products on enterprise networks
Technical Note TN2265: Troubleshooting Push Notifications (apple.com)