How To: Add a User to the Portal


This guide will walk through how Administrators can add new users to the iLobby Portal.



This guide is meant for Account Administrators (or in some cases Site Administrators that have approved access to adding users in the portal).


To Add a New User in VisitorOS

  1. Login to VisitorOS here:
  2. Click the Settings icon, then click Users.
  3. Click
  4. Enter the following information for the new user
    • Full name and email address
    • Select which role you would like to set for the new user (Host, Account Administrator, Site Administrator or Receptionist)
    • Select which site you would like the new user to have access to (Account Administrators have access to all sites, for Site Administrators and Hosts the sites need to be specified)
  • Check the box if the new user should receive an email to set up their password. Please note: If you uncheck this box you will have to create a password for them and no notification will be sent. Please ensure you relay this password to the new user so they are able to login. 
    Click once complete to send the invitation.

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