Notifications Within EmergencyOS


The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate how you can manage your notifications within EmergencyOS. By the end, you will learn:

  • How to customize messages within your emergency profiles
  • Different notifications that can be sent during an emergency event
  • How to enable start / end messages for participants


This guide is intended for Site and Account Administrators


Managing Notifications within Emergency Profiles

In the Emergency Profiles section of your EmergencyOS module, you will be able to manage and customize notifications sent to participants during an emergency event. This is beneficial as you can tailor your messaging system to fit the specific needs of a potential emergency that is applicable to your site. In turn, participants will receive the most concise messaging, mitigating any potential confusion.


To access your notifications within EmergencyOS:

  • Select Manage

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  • Select Emergency Profiles and choose the applicable profile

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  • On the right-hand side of your screen, you will be able to manage your notifications

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The different types of notifications you can send are:

  1. Email Start Messages: Notifications that are sent out to participants via email once an evacuation has been triggered
  2. Email End Messages: Notifications that are sent out to participants via email once an evacuation has been completed
  3. Mobile Start Messages: Notifications that are sent out to participants via text once an evacuation has been triggered
  4. Mobile End Messages: Notifications that are sent out to participants via text once an evacuation has been completed

You can choose to enable all these options OR simply enable the notification method(s) that is applicable to your site (Ex. Only mobile start / end messages). To enable a notification method:

  • Click on the enabling tool at the bottom left-hand side of the notification method

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To Manage your Notifications: 

  • Select the pencil icon on the bottom right-hand side of the notification method you are using

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  • Select who the notifications will be sent to: Employee List, Signed-in Visitors and Signed-in Employees

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  • The message template, subject line and emergency message will pre-populate based on the nature of emergency you have selected

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  • If you wish to edit the messaging for the emergency event further, you can add relevant information to the additional message section

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  • Select Save to finish 

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 Note: To learn more about creating your emergency profiles, click here Creating an Emergency Profile – iLobby Help Center

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