June 2024 Monthly Release
New FacilityOS Online Store
Product Tier: VisitorOS Corporate, VisitorOS Enhanced, VisitorOS Enterprise
We’ve relaunched the FacilityOS online store. The new site offers a fresh modern look and improved user experience.
Graded Quizzes
Product Tier: VisitorOS Corporate, VisitorOS Enhanced, VisitorOS Enterprise
We’ve added a new graded option to quizzes. Administrators can now define correct responses and, on completion, scores are automatically calculated and displayed in the visitor’s record for quick access. See more details here.
Dropdown List Search Functionality
Product Tier: VisitorOS Corporate, VisitorOS Enhanced, VisitorOS Enterprise
Text search capabilities have been added to dropdown lists, speeding up visitors’ sign-in process and making it more convenient to find and select the correct option.
Roll Call QR Code Scanning
Product Tier: EmergencyOS Corporate
Safety Officers can now digitally update an evacuee’s status using the mobile app by scanning QR codes on Employee Passes or visitor badges. This update significantly improves the speed and accuracy of mustering. See more details here.
Unrecognized QR Code Reporting
Product Tier: EmergencyOS Corporate
Administrators and Safety Officer can include unrecognized QR codes captured during an emergency event in evacuation reports improving reporting accuracy and completeness.
EmergencyOS Site Management
Product Tier: EmergencyOS Basic, EmergencyOS Corporate
Site management has been standardized to prevent data inconsistencies. Site details are now editable exclusively from FacilityOS, but they remain visible in EmergencyOS.