Installing the iLobby Kiosk App On Your Own iPad


If you have chosen to purchase your own iPad to use with iLobby instead of one provided by iLobby, you must download and install the iLobby kiosk app on the iPad manually.

Note: If you are looking for more information regarding the iLobby Companion App, which is used to track visitor records, launch evacuations, and sign in quickly as an employee using the employee pass feature, check out this article: Installing and Using the iLobby Mobile Companion App – iLobby Help Center

App Installation

To install the iLobby app on the iPad, please take the following steps:

  1. On the iPad, go to the Apple App Store and search for "iLobby Visitor Registration", by AppGear. The app logo is a blue square with a white letter "i" inside it:  ilobby logo.png
  2. Tap "Get" to download and install the app. Once it is finished installing, tap the app on your iPad's home screen to open it.
  3. Once the app is open, tap the "Use a Code" button and enter the 6-digit activation code provided to you by an iLobby agent to activate your iLobby license: use a code.pngenter code.png


And that's it! You have successfully installed the iLobby app on your iPad and now have access to your pre-configured account!

If you have any questions, please reach out to


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