Getting Started: ID Scanning


ID Scanning is an add-on feature that is used to scan a valid ID card from a visitor that is signing into your iLobby system. Valid IDs include:

  • Driver's License
  • Health Card
  • Passport
  • Green Card

The scan is done using either the rear iPad camera on your kiosk, or an external scanner if you purchased one from iLobby.


Benefits of Using the ID Scanning Feature

There are three key benefits to using the ID Scanning feature:

  • The name of the visitor that is captured from the ID cannot be edited, so you'll know that that it is the visitor's correct name from their ID.
  • The ID Scanning feature can be configured to take a photo of both the front and the back of the visitor's ID, and save it to the visitor's record in the iLobby portal.
  • ID Scanning can be made mandatory, so that visitors must use their ID to sign in.



When the scan is starting, the visitor will be prompted to place their ID barcode in the frame of the iPad's rear camera:

Image (2).jpgImage.jpgImage (1).jpg

The camera will scan the ID code and populate your name from your ID onto the "FIRST AND LAST NAME" data field in the kiosk app.
You can then go ahead and fill out the remaining requested data fields.

You have now successfully scanned a visitor ID!


Troubleshooting the ID Scanning Feature

For more information on how to troubleshoot the ID Scanning Feature, check out this article:

ID Scanning – iLobby Help Center


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