Configuring Visitor Auto Sign-Out - Old Portal

The procedures in this article are accessed by clicking   and then Configuration, then clicking the name of your configuration.  


On the  Visitor Auto-Signout tab, determine if and how visitors are signed out by the system automatically. This feature removes visitors' entries from the portal's Dashboard.   



Set one of the following values:  


- To sign out all visitors at the same time, enable  Sign-out all visitors every day at and enter the time (in 24-hour format) at which all visitors will be signed out.  


If you go to set it for the first time, by default, it is set to all visitor types to be signed out at 11:59 pm.  



- To sign out all visitors after a specific period of time has elapsed, enable Sign-out all visitors after x hours and set the elapsed hours.  


If you go to set it for the first time, by default, it is set to all visitor types to be signed out after 8 hours.  



To enable different times of automatic sign-out for different visitor types, click on Please select, select the visitor type, and set the time.   



Note: If you enable the auto-signout time for just a couple of visitor types out of 5, for example, the time set for All Visitor Types will work for the other three.

The sign-out time of visitors who were signed out by the system is shown in orange in the Visitor tab.  



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