How to Test an Emergency Profile


Emergency Profile Tests are used as an system test of the EmergencyOS emergency response tool. It allows users to test the configuration of a particular Emergency Profile without interrupting any iLobby kiosks or sending unnecessary notifications to an large groups or employees. Most importantly Emergency Profile Tests allow users to validate mustering list accuracy, check configured communications, and practice using the digital mustering technology so that operators are comfortable using the tool during an actual drill or emergency. 

Note: Only Saved Profiles can be tested (i.e. the feature is not available while creating a New profile).


How To Test an Emergency Profile

1. Launch EmergencyOS: 

2. From the left-hand toolbar, select Manage > Emergency Profiles

3. Select the Emergency Profile you wish to test

4. In the Emergency Profile, hit the Test Profile button to launch the testing menu, as shown below:

5. Configure your testing settings - On this menu, you will be able to customize:

  • Specific recipients of notifications - all notifications that are configured for this Emergency Profile, including Start/End Messages and Status Requests, will be sent only to the users you specify in the "Send Test To" field. Any EmergencyOS User or Address Book contact can be a participant.

    • Note: By default, the user initiating the test is always included as a recipient of all notifications, even if they are not included in the "Sent Test To" field.

  • Notify site emergency contacts - when toggled on, all emergency contacts listed for the Site under Site Settings will automatically be sent notifications, even if they are not included in the "Send Test To" list above.
  • Additional notification text - This lets you customize an additional message to be appended to all email and SMS notification associated with the Emergency Profile, so that all users are aware that notifications are being delivered as part of a test.

6. Hit when you are ready to begin your test!

Once you hit launch, the Emergency Profile will execute all email and SMS notifications and status requests that are configured, and Admins / Safety Officers will be able to manage the emergency via the web portal or mobile app just like in a Drill or Emergency. However, only specified participants will be included in the test, ensuring a streamlined experience and preventing any notifications from going to non-participants. 


How To Stop an Emergency Profile Test

Once you are satisfied with how the Emergency Profile has been running, you can end the test by hitting the Finish Evacuation button on the desktop site, then click Confirm. 

Once you end the Emergency Profile Test, any participants will receive any end messages configured by the profile. 

Additionally, the results of your Emergency Profile Test will be displayed on the Mustering Events history page, which is accessible by clicking the Mustering button. 

Note: Any Emergency Profile Tests will be listed as "Profile Test"  in the Mustering Events history log, to ensure that these reports are not confused with actual completed Drills or Emergencies.




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